Thursday, August 27, 2020

What is VoWiFi? WiFi Calling? How Does VoWiFi Works? Jio vs Airtel

VoWiFi or Voice over Wi-Fi calling is basically making calls using a Wi-Fi connection. In essence, It is voice over IP (VoIP) over a Wi-Fi network. It uses IEEE 802.11 wireless LANs based networks to make Voice over IP (VoIP) calls. In simple terms, the feature will allow you to make normal calls using Wi-Fi when you are in places with low or no network signals.

VoWiFi can be conducted over any Internet accessible device, including a laptop, PDA units which look and function like DECT and cellphones. Just like for IP-DECT, the VoWiFi's main advantages to consumers are cheaper local and international calls, free calls to other VoWiFi units and a simplified integrated billing of both phone and Internet service providers.

Although VoWiFi and 3G have certain feature similarities, VoWiFi is different in the sense that it uses a wireless internet network (typically 802.11) rather than a cellular network. Both VoWiFi and 3G are used in different ways, although with a femtocell the two can deliver similar service to users and can be considered alternatives. 

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